You should also know that, despite using a non-US based web server, and NOT google, my search for the site was altered during results loading, and even when the url was typed in, I was redirected twice…
Seems the Elders of the Internet don’t want people remembering.
Don’t let this be silenced.
Yeah i highly doubt that
Nah I’ve had this you type full address and it does a search instead that still leads to the link very annoying.
So have you tried pressing enter or did you click the top thing under the URL bar dropdown that said “google search result” cuz uhhhhhh
Provide steps to replicate or we’ll assume you’re just bad at technology.
Step 1 turn oven on 400° Step 2 let oven get to temp. Step 3 place head in oven wait for webpage to load. Step 4 profit?
If anything, your browser is doing shady things. Or an extension you use.
Yeah what kinda cucked software is op using. I doubt their ISP did that.
It’s suspicious to me that it’s only on a one website I’m running flaming fox with ublock og, duck duck go for the search engine. And it’s just the Spanish Genesis library site. Maybe it’s my ip I’ll try it with a VPN later.
While I think Luigi is more on the right side of history than his victim, if someone is going to claim stealth censorship they better give the steps to replicate that, and plenty of pictures/evidence so it can be verified.
Anonymous (the activists) accounts were prone to this kind of performative denounce, claiming false things instead of straight asking for help or awareness.