• ChexMax@lemmy.world
    8 days ago

    5 is incorrect. Most people have an unpaid lunch, not part of the 8 hour workday, so that’s 4 hours left to do everything else.

    Because you used your weekend researching,shopping and meal prepping, meals only take ten minutes to take out and get ready, but you skipped actually eating which is 30 minutes for dinner, and 10 for breakfast. If you have a family dinner is an hour, breakfast is 30 min. No family - 3hr20min With family -2hr30min

    Housework- you say 20 minutes which for men is pretty accurate - they average 19 minutes a day, but women average 49 minutes a day. Single Men down to 3hr Women with families down to 1hr40min

    The average time it takes to fall asleep is 10-20 minutes. That’s not part of the 8 hours. 15min Add 15 minutes for using the toilet a day 6-7 times urinating (average) plus hand washing. Minus 1/3 happens at work. 10 min. Add 5 minutes to poop. 15min Additional grooming - the absolute minimum is to brush your teeth twice a day, dry and brush your hair, do a professional style, coordinate a professional outfit, iron, and dress. Nail clipping, sunscreen, whatever. This stuff takes time. 15 min absolute minimum a day if you have low standards for your appearance and don’t have a very professional job. Up to an hour if you do. That’s 45 minutes minimum (though realistically you’re not doing all of that at Max efficiency every day. Single Men down to 2hr15min Women with families down to 55 min

    any additional chores (maybe not daily, but at least once a week you have to do an unusual task like replacing work clothes, buying medicine, home repair/maintenance, oil change, need a coat. Maybe some weeks there’s nothing, but other weeks, three things happen.

    So if your boss calls you for a scheduling issue, or you want to bathe your child, or your pet throws up, you’re easily down to no time at all for yourself after you’ve slaved away for maximum efficiency.

    Forget volunteering. Forget religion. Forget getting to know your kids, or dating, or self improvement.

    I cannot imagine a world where I think regular average people have enough leisure time.

    • LwL@lemmy.world
      8 days ago

      I can easily see that kids will eat your time like crazy, but otherwise? I have 5-6 hours of free time a day during the week, 8hrs of work, 8hrs of sleep (including the 30-60m it takes me to fall asleep), 30m lunch break, 2x25m commute. Like 5 mins spent making food in the evening (either just bread in which case it’s even less, or just something quick like noodles. 10-15 mins if I feel like making the sauce myself). Eating is semi-free time since I’ll usually watch something during. 5 mins of shopping on the way home every 2 days or so. 10 mins or so for brushing teeth in total since i tend to space out during. 1min quick shower that doesn’t touch my hair. 1-2 mins brushing hair. Once or twice a week 20-30min shower including washing and drying hair to be dry enough. Take out trash like once a week takes 5 mins max.

      There are some things where I save time by using money (vacuum robot, eating out for lunch, grabbing food from the bakery when I’m too hungry to skip breakfast like I usually do), but that wouldn’t even add up to an hour a day.

      I still think everyone should work less because imo it’s very possible to do without leading to deficits in anyones life. But like wtf are people doing.