I’ve actually seen 2 recent practices that I hate more than this. While this is frustrating, at least you can input a custom tip. I’ve also seen them where they show 3 different dollar amounts that don’t indicate percentage but doing the math, it’s definitely way over the usual 20%. Then there’s the one I hate the most which I keep seeing at places where you don’t usually tip. You go to pay with your card and the little transaction/card machine shows different tip amounts, the default of which is already set. If you don’t want to leave a tip, you have to figure out which button to push to do so. They’re all different and it can be very confusing. I even saw one where each option was labeled in correlation with a button on the screen, except that they didn’t match up. And what do you do then? Ask the person at the register how not to tip them?
I’ve actually seen 2 recent practices that I hate more than this. While this is frustrating, at least you can input a custom tip. I’ve also seen them where they show 3 different dollar amounts that don’t indicate percentage but doing the math, it’s definitely way over the usual 20%. Then there’s the one I hate the most which I keep seeing at places where you don’t usually tip. You go to pay with your card and the little transaction/card machine shows different tip amounts, the default of which is already set. If you don’t want to leave a tip, you have to figure out which button to push to do so. They’re all different and it can be very confusing. I even saw one where each option was labeled in correlation with a button on the screen, except that they didn’t match up. And what do you do then? Ask the person at the register how not to tip them?
I would.
I leave a Google review for places that have shitty tipping practices.
[to cashier] “excuse me, ma’am, i can’t seem to find the button to not leave a tip. can you show me where it is?”
I enjoy quietly asking, “do these tips actually go to you?”
I’ve gotten a discreet “no” headshake more than a few times. Then you can feel justified taking however long you want to select zero.
You bet I would.