Wow, this is awful. Some people reported that these ads are also very petty and not necessarily related to the game, like apparently Elden Ring shows an ad for a licensed mousepad when you hover over the game now…
Edit: Playstation Product Manager says this is actually a new bug. I really doubt it but they do seem to be “fixing it”.
On other news, welcome to my blog adshittification. The blog that uncovers the sinister truth about the ads being shown in your throat! This week’s highlights:
Youtube still hasn’t stopped ruining my week by filling up those precious few seconds between opening a video and going fullscreenwith intrusive ads that cover a quarter of your screen, and still even then you can’t stop the wall of ads that show up after the video finishes:

I opened up steam to play some factorio to calm my nerves, but I got greeted by an illegal ad telling me to kill myself:

So instead I opened library home to play something alse, only to be assaulted by more ads at the top!

I decided to give up trying to play. Normally I would open reddit next but I haven’t been using it since they put promotions in the post screen:

Thankfully lemmy is immune to such corporate bs

No lemmy-chan not you too!