That’s the position that I’m in. I get PIP, the non means tested disability allowance, but because my wife works, we’re not entitled to anything else.
I can’t really complain, as we’re doing better than a lot of people, but it doesn’t exactly feel great knowing that we don’t qualify for any other help.
I am also avoiding marriage because any spouse with a job can make me lose my benefits. The welfare office even made it clear my request for a live-in aide would be denied if I so much as dated the person who was doing the service. They (aka the government) really don’t want me (aka poor disabled people) to be in a relationship. What working-class couple can survive with only one income?
It’s too true. Yet the person who has a spouse (to help them get to the appointment) can lose benefits because of their spouse’s income.
That’s the position that I’m in. I get PIP, the non means tested disability allowance, but because my wife works, we’re not entitled to anything else.
I can’t really complain, as we’re doing better than a lot of people, but it doesn’t exactly feel great knowing that we don’t qualify for any other help.
I am also avoiding marriage because any spouse with a job can make me lose my benefits. The welfare office even made it clear my request for a live-in aide would be denied if I so much as dated the person who was doing the service. They (aka the government) really don’t want me (aka poor disabled people) to be in a relationship. What working-class couple can survive with only one income?
It’s why despite being with my husband almost 20 years, we aren’t married. He’d lose everything.