You pay private driving schools to 1) rent a car and 2) for lessons. There are no lessons offered through normal school itself, save for some select places and maybe some colleges.
If there are some select public schools that teach students to drive, I certainly never have heard of it before. The private driving schools though, yeah, I definitely know those are real. Various insurance companies give discounts to minors with drivers licenses if they pass said school I believe.
It really depends on what state you live in. My school only offered summer driver’s ed. Only knew one person who took it. I never had a class on how to drive. My parents taught me, I took a written test, a 2hr long seminar on driving safely, and a practical test.
In the UK we didn’t even get driving lessons.
Our parents paid for us to learn to drive.
I still can’t believe American schools teach kids to drive, given their… attitude to other things. It’s just weird.
Afaik you have to pay for driving lessons and licensing across the US. Yes maybe you can take classes at the high school, but it’s still paid.
So you pay for the lessons at school?
Or you can pay for lessons at home, and get free lessons at school?
(Sorry – your comment was clear as to who does the paying).
You pay private driving schools to 1) rent a car and 2) for lessons. There are no lessons offered through normal school itself, save for some select places and maybe some colleges.
If there are some select public schools that teach students to drive, I certainly never have heard of it before. The private driving schools though, yeah, I definitely know those are real. Various insurance companies give discounts to minors with drivers licenses if they pass said school I believe.
It really depends on what state you live in. My school only offered summer driver’s ed. Only knew one person who took it. I never had a class on how to drive. My parents taught me, I took a written test, a 2hr long seminar on driving safely, and a practical test.