The Censorship has begun
I wonder if this is Trump doing censorship or China doing censorship making it look like Trump doing censorship.
Must be China Trump and his Oligarchs can’t do anything wrong they’re protecting our freedom /s
What’s a two party state that’s one party down?
Sounds a bit like a…dictatorship
Simple democracy.
So basic you can hardly tell it’s there!
Confirming this was the last straw and the moment I uninstalled all meta apps
Maybe it’s just a bug.
Just testing the new Great American Firewall!
Is this pre active censorship on the term “Democrat”. Or are posts using the term getting flagged for other terms. I can imagine there is an increasing amount of hate speech circling there. Both scenarios are worrying in different ways.
#proChoice and #kamala are also censored
I am very glad to no longer be on there but shits gonna spread to the rest of the web quickly i fear.
Running Shortlist includes blocking hashtags for:
democrat (but not republican)
voteblue (but not votered)
presidentbiden (but not president harris)
barackobama (but not presidentobama)
obama (but not obamas)
votebiden (votekamala, votetrump works tho)
democracy (WOW)
libertarian (for some reason)
bluewave (redwave still works, shocker)
politicalleft (blocked, but politicalright isn’t)
From Germany: about half of these still work for me. But only half.
Some have started working for me again, #democrat works again, but not #prochoice #kamala or #fuckputin
Me too, I tried just a few. On pc #antifascist , #fascist and #democracy didn’t work. On a mobile phone from my colleague #democracy worked though.
Well fuck.
presidentbiden (but not president harris)
barackobama (but not presidentobama)
votebiden (votekamala, votetrump works tho)
libertarian (for some reason)
These are some odd censorship choices. In America, libertarian is short for (not really anarcho) anarcho-capitalist and they tend to vote right wing. They’re the tea party essentially and trumps election is a culmination of the tea party’s power. I consider myself a left libertarian / anarcho-communist but we are not that common in America. Unfortunately.
And why censor Carter? He’s dead. And why biden but not Harris? So odd.
This one’s funny. I wonder if they’ll go recursive and add “igcensorshipcensorship” next.
What app are you searching for hashtags in? Is that facebook?
This is my instagram, I deleted facebook
This is what comes up in my instagram for the same search.
Can you post the entire screenshot? How do we know you didn’t just photoshop that?
Why would this work for me but not for you? Do you think you specifically are being targeted with results blocking? How do you account for this?
I don’t see how the entire screenshot would be any harder to photoshop. But you can look through this thread and find multiple different people confirming it of their ends too.
I see you’ve already seen that one, but the point is multiple people are having different results. Unless you think like 10 different people are independently lying about it.
10 people is hard to coordinate, but I’ve only seen two people: OP and one other account (probably the one you linked to).
I think more readers need to try this themselves. Go to the Instagram app, search
, and post the screenshot here.Works for me still. I wonder if they’re staggering things
There are articles about it
A Reddit post is not an article.
The Reddit post directly links to an article. It’s not in English though.
There are articles about Bigfoot
Meta says its working urgently to fix a problem with Instagram which results in a “results hidden” message when users search for the terms “Democrat” or “Democrats”.
If that’s hard to fix, I recommend shutting down the servers forever.
It’s hard emotionally
Makes me wonder if it was something like a lot of people were scrolling those hashtags and leaving hate comments and it triggered some automated hide feature and now they’re trying to find some middle ground. That’s being very generous to Meta though.
I hope you’re right but something tells me this was intentional
I’m sure it happened just after Trump took office with explicit technocratic goals ENTIRELY on accident.
All I can think about is how Israel’s AI targeting program (lavender) is coming to a leftist near you. Combine with ukraines AI drones and we have a technofascist future where dissent gets removed permanently. Instead of banning your account they’ll be banning your life.
They’ve always been the same thing. If you took the concept of a technocracy at its most idealized form it’s still innately undemocratic.
It might, possibly, work, but it’s still authoritarian in nature.
But technofascist does strip their veneer of being actual engineers away I suppose, so it definitely has benefits.
To the uninitiated technocrat sounds like techno democrat - techno democracy. It doesn’t sound that bad. Technofascist doesn’t have the same muddiness - it’s clear what they are.
Maybe it is being abused by trolls and such so badly they had to disable it temporarily.
For another data point I can search any of those terms on the shortlist that was posted just fine, using Facebook on the website. Either searching for posts or videos. May be app specific or something that was very temporary? Located in US. No Instagram account.
It sounds like it only affected Instagram
Zuckerburg is furious that dems dragged him before congress and tried to blame Trump winning on Facebook.
Every day is a day closer to the electorate realizing certain luxuries have been removed from their cages. Here’s hoping it’s sooner rather than later. And don’t be pathetic and turn to the democrats to help you. They were bought and paid for and will be lucky not to be disappeared.
Luigi, that you?
Ugh, excuse me, I’m a “dirty lib” and you can check my credentials on that one.
In reality, though, I’ve been saying since Novemeber we are on a fixed rail now and if there was once a way off it just passed us by. The sooner everyone comes to realize it the better but I can’t make everyone do it. So just spreading the word and hopefully they know I’m not trying to scare them but prepare them for the not so distant future.
And if I go with the first round of cullings I’m happy too because the horrors about to be witnessed will break any good person and my hearts weak.
That wasn’t a denial lol
I politely disagree about our fixed path, but to correct it will be so much harder now, no doubt. Just gotta keep at it.
Derailment, maybe, I just don’t see how we can use the system to break the system at this point. It would be worth a try but anytime I say the word “strike” I get bombarded with the most derisive vitriol. So, I’m just putting 2 and 2 together.
Don’t get me wrong, it seems bleak for sure, but they are banking on ppl giving up or losing energy. The uphill battle sucks, but we need to regroup, re-evaluate, and definitely push forward. If too many ppl give up, we sign our own demise :(
I thought they were gonna promote more political content
Yeah but only the right political conten
(The choice of definition for the word right is left to the reader)
Seems to work on my FB account in the US. It seems to be posts complaining about it though but still pulling up popular searches of the term.
I deleted my Instagram accounts so I can’t check there.