I decided to give Sackboy: A Big Adventure a try today. I bought it last year and never started it (though, the same could be said for 70% of my library). I decided to just drop Black Flag because i couldn’t get the DLC to show up. So i this is what i picked to play next.

Little Big Planet 2 was one of my favorite games growing up, so i was excited to play this. It’s definitely not what i was expecting from something with Sackboy in it, but i think my expectations were unfair because i was expecting something like Little Big Planet. It’s similar in many ways, but i would say it’s much closer to Mario 3D Land instead of Little Big Planet.

After getting over my expectations i really found myself enjoying it. I do wish the Story was a bit more involved in the Levels like they were in Little Big Planet (after the intro i don’t think i got any plot exposition for it until six levels in), but they are really well crafted and it has some of the same mechanics that LBP does (i mourn the Level Maker though).

The music is really good too. Though i feel like it feels very out of place and abstract if that makes any sense (though this could very well be my Nostalgia for Pemberton and the other composer’s works), it’s very well made and i enjoyed the pieces i heard in the first world i played, such as the Yeti one.

The Gameplay is really well made too, there was this puzzle in one of them i really enjoyed where you walked around on this big Screen Like thing. It was a really cool idea. The also have a whole level the utilizes the Rolling mechanic which i feel like is a clever way to get players to adjust to it.

The game also sees the Customization return. I had some free things that i ended up using to customize my character and i bought some cat eyes. I ended up with this thing:

    • prole@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      2 months ago

      Dude… That level is amazing. But there’s soooo much more, even if you don’t have a TON of PlayStation nostalgia. It’s just a really good platformer. Best non-Nintendo 3D platformer I’ve played, by far.