It’ll cost $9 each time. They’re raising money for the mass transit system by charging specifically those people who don’t use the mass transit system and that feels really unfair to me.

    2 months ago

    “Starving children in Africa”

    That is a such a classic argument, too bad it is completely idiotic.

    A starving child in Africa would not be helped by sending our food scraps to them, the food would spoil and harm them instead. If the food did make it to Africa without spoiling, it would rightfully be rejected, as an insult to the government and people of these nations.

    But let’s say that the food didn’t spoil and was accepted, it would ruin the local economy. The food would be cheaper than the locally available food, driving farmers out of business, increasing the dependency on food scraps.

    Never make that argument in this context, it just shows how dumb you are.