This has happened 3 times in the past 2 days, any advice? It goes away after reboots but always comes back.

Update: So it could be GPU death, how exciting, especially for a 1.5 year old laptop. As of now it hasn’t terribly affected my workflow, but if this persists even after future kernel/driver updates, it may be rip. I am still hopeful that it could be software related, but time will tell!

This one is a little more interesting

Update 2: I was using Windows for testing purposes, and it happened again! This was immediately after picking the laptop up, so it is definitely hardware related. This time it made a horrible noise as well, answering some of the questions. So somehow by picking the device up, maybe the internals are slightly bent, causing the issues?

    2 months ago

    It’s the GPU, almost certainly the solder joints. So how far are you willing to go?

    You can pull the MB and bake it in an oven. Fixed a card or two that way, didn’t last very long. Damned fine line between too much and too little heat and time. Bon chance!

    In related news, MBs can be pretty cheap on eBay.

      2 months ago

      In my experience I think the trick is to underheat it but leave it in the oven a bit longer.

      2 months ago

      I assume the reflowing solder in the oven trick doesn’t reliably work anymore in the era of the high temp solders that are common in laptop manufacturing these days. Bringing the whole board up to flow temp in something as crude as a home oven is almost certainly going to fuck something else on the board.

      I recall trying to do a laptop repair with dinky little soldering iron I got at the hardware store and it could not melt a single thing on the board I touched it to. Definitely not a faulty iron because I used it to successfully solder other things. This was at least five years ago. If that little toy couldn’t do it, then the entire board would need to exceed that temp in an oven, which is probably a bad idea since the iron was still managing to visibly scorch things despite not melting any solder.

      Invest in a proper heat gun and learn how to use it, or just give up and give it to someone else who has one, imo.