Is it just me, or the government of India is cracking down of all end to end encryption apps like signal and element.
Cause I guy who works for the police came to my house and asked whether I use signal and element
Is it just me, or the government of India is cracking down of all end to end encryption apps like signal and element.
Cause I guy who works for the police came to my house and asked whether I use signal and element
Ay yo wtf.
I thought India was a democracy?
Wtf. Why did you think that?
By every definition of democracy I’m familiar with the Republic of India is a democratic government. Do you think it’s not? If so, why not?
State-sponsoree pogroms. State-sposored censorship of NGOs and journalists.
You can’t have a democracy under fascism, even if that fascist was originally elected by the majority.
so if the majority want fascism it can’t be a democracy? I thought democracy was majority rule. Can it not be that majoirty rule itself IS the issue?
Fascism destoryes democracy.
The definitions for that seem pretty loose nowadays.
The largest democracy in the world. Democracy is majority rule so unless the majority are firm about not wanting this no reason for the government to prevent it. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of Indians are in favor of such things.
Oh trust me, so many Indians blindly follow what the government says. Remember when ProtonMail was under the threat of being banned because some dumbfuck used PM to send bomb threats to schools in Chennai? Yeah I remember when that happened, I went through so many news articles covering this and so many comments on those articles were in favour of the ban with the most stupidest reasons possible and logic that exceeds human comprehension. It’s scary.