Text translation: “I finish work at 6 pm today. I want the food to be warm when I get home. And don’t forget to put that movie I told you about on the USB, I want to watch it after getting in bed”.

Text from today. I’m expected to cook all of his meals, do his laundry, iron his clothes, do the grocery shopping, clean the house, run any errands he needs, etc. basically all of the housework, he won’t do anything even when he doesn’t go to work. I love him but it becomes mildly infuriating at times, especially when I have to sync my life with his schedule. At least he takes good care of me financially.

  • voracitude@lemmy.world
    20 days ago

    I gotcha. That’s rough, I’m sorry to hear he was such a shitty husband. It’s probably true that a job would be more demanding and take more time from your studies, so all up it sounds like you could be in a worse spot, and at least this is family and you care about him. It’s good of you to help him like this; working all day often gets overlooked as a source of major fatigue. I can’t say I don’t relate to some degree, I just order delivery when I’m tired instead of demanding my wife do the cooking.

    Still, this is hardly anyone’s dream life. I hope your studies go well and you’re able to get out on your own soon!