Text translation: “I finish work at 6 pm today. I want the food to be warm when I get home. And don’t forget to put that movie I told you about on the USB, I want to watch it after getting in bed”.
Text from today. I’m expected to cook all of his meals, do his laundry, iron his clothes, do the grocery shopping, clean the house, run any errands he needs, etc. basically all of the housework, he won’t do anything even when he doesn’t go to work. I love him but it becomes mildly infuriating at times, especially when I have to sync my life with his schedule. At least he takes good care of me financially.
Can’t imagine why she left.
She left cause she got tired of him cheating on her…🥶
Damn. I know you love him but your dad sounds like a dick.
Especially when it comes to relationships. Once we were bickering and I told him why not just bring one of the many women he cheated on mom with home to take care of the house and himself. He said “curva i curva, femeia casei e femeia casei” (a whore is a whore while a woman of the house is a woman of the house), “I didn’t and don’t want to bring whores home, I didn’t want to divorce your mom in the first place - she was a wife, she had a different status; those women were just for fun not taking care of the family and house”.
You need to get the fuck away from him and let this man child grow up and take care of himself.
Sounds like he’s the curva in this household. Seriously, get out. Maybe go to your mum’s?
My mom wants me to stay with him.
From this post alone (I obviously don’t know any more details), I would recommend against it.