Knew about this one, but in an experimenting mood after reading it, looks like WIN+ALT+(Left or right) does the same thing, but for thirds rather than halves which could be useful. Up/down seems to have the same impact of only doing halves the same way just WIN+Direction does
Knew about this one, but in an experimenting mood after reading it, looks like WIN+ALT+(Left or right) does the same thing, but for thirds rather than halves which could be useful. Up/down seems to have the same impact of only doing halves the same way just WIN+Direction does
This is amazing. I have an ultra wide monitor at work and I’ve always wished I could break it into thirds
My friend with an ultra wide swears by fancy zones (part of windows power toys) to partition his screen for him.
Had a fun conversation with my boss when I installed it and he got a notification about it. He started our 1 on 1 with “what the hell is power toys”
Shift + WIN + L/R for swapping monitors is always great in a pinch