This is the neo feudal internet. It is the end of any ability to lock your own front door to the internet. I saw it in my block logs for Lemmy and finally went to look it up. I don’t know if that is just dot world or otherwise, but there is absolutely no chance in hell that I will ever allow or use ECH or anything like it. That is some authoritarian insanity to expect me to trust a middleman connection for everything in the land of ‘please allow our 10k stalkerware partners into your intimate life via our app’. You have no way of knowing who or what you are connected to with ECH. You’re being forced to inherently trust a connection. Is software X/Y/Z connecting to malware, stalkerware, ANYTHING, you have no clue. What halfwit thought this was okay or some kind of reasonable solution? What am I missing here? I default do not trust anyone. Hope for the best; plan for the worst. If you want to let random people into your digital home, or are not worried about your scripts and code doing stupid stuff, hey, you do you. That is not for me. I want to know exactly what is connecting where and why at all times. Where is the libre internet heading now?

    3 months ago

    I think, OP is pointing to the fact that ECH makes it harder to block connections to mothership from proprietary apps, TVs etc. These apps could now use ECH, DoH to hide it’s traffic from being observed.

    But OP could always buy a better router that can proxy layer 7 traffic and block the traffic if desired.