Diabolical to recommend Spelunky 2 to someone who hasn’t played Spelunky 1
Diabolical to recommend Spelunky 2 to someone who hasn’t played Spelunky 1
There are well-designed urinals now that don’t splash back. Add to that, If there’s a divider, then the urinal is convenient, quicker and imo cleaner because you don’t have to touch the stall door or lock to close it and you’re not pissing on the seat or sitting down. It’s literally no-contact
I mean, it’s free. For the longest time they were great. Though, It even looks like if you scroll to the right, you can make a circle just fine
Would not recommend Crypt of the Necrodancer, considering barely anybody ever beats the game even by default, and then completing the full story is far too hard to not be frustrating
avoid these run ruining pickups because you happened to forget what THAT weird egg looking thing did with a different weird looking egg thing.
The stupid behavior of X item sucks is part of the fun of the game and why it’s so great, though. You pretty much forget all those broken runs you got, but I’ll never forget the times I found Plan C or used the Bible on Satan. I also think you’re missing that repentance modernized all this and there’s even fewer bad items than before. At this point there are only a handful of truly bad items.
Hades is great and holds your hand, but the fact that every upgrade is more-or-less the same type of skill addition to your build is also boring.
Some of the most-played steam games are “Banana” and “Cats” where you literally click it every few hours and get steam item drops. Basically NFTs where people try to get rare items, but even more braindead because the developer, at any time can make more tokens.
retired boomers went and volunteered at chain restaurants
Source on this? This sounds insane
Yea the picture is not related at all. Elder care is bleeding their money dry, they’re not choosing to spend it on lavish vacations.
Once you get to a point where you run out of insurance and health savings, you have to go to Medicaid, which will take your house and the rest of your savings after you die. (And if you try to give your house to your child before you die, unless you do it 5 years before enrolling in medicaid you will get a huge delay in services)
I was mostly surprised because Spelunky 2 is so much harder, and Spelunky 1 is already hard enough for a newcomer.