
So, I only need this for internal usage for hosting some info and files. What I want is something that sets up and is ready fairly easily, done via GUI, and I want something that’s stupid easy to configure. For example, I want if I make a subdirectory under the defined web root, then the server should recognize that, and if the browser points to a directory that contains no index, then it should simply provide a file list.

I can deal with a little configuration etc. but it’s never going to do more than extremely rudimentary response and providing files. I’m on Kubuntu.


    4 days ago

    What’s your fear of editing config files? They’re just text files, and manual edits certainly allow a degree of customization that you’ll never find in a GUI interface. My own config is set up with domain name folders under /home/ to contain the many domains I run, that’s something I’ve never seen handled by a GUI and yet it makes so much more sense for keeping files organized.