Different compilers have robbed me of all trust in order-of-operations. If there’s any possibility of ambiguity - it’s going in parentheses. If something’s fucky and I can’t tell where, well, better parenthesize my equations, just in case.
This is the way. It’s an intentionally ambiguously written problem to cause this issue depending on how and where you learned order of operations to cause a fight.
intentionally ambiguously written
learned order of operations to cause a fight
The order of operations are the same everywhere. The fights arise from people who don’t remember them.
This is best practice since there is no standard order of operations across languages. It’s an easy place for bugs to sneak in, and it takes a non-insignificant amount of time to debug.
there is no standard order of operations across languages
Yes there is. The rules of Maths are universal.
It’s an easy place for bugs to sneak in
But that’s because of programmers not checking the rules of Maths first.
Different compilers
Different programmers.
it’s going in parentheses
Unfortunately some places don’t care where you’ve put brackets, they’ll just go ahead and change it anyway. Welcome to my quest to educate.
There’s quite a few calculators that get this wrong. In college, I found out that Casio calculators do things the right way, are affordable, and readily available. I stuck with it through the rest of my classes.
For anyone like me who has math as their worst subject: PEMDAS.
PEMDAS is an acronym used to mention the order of operations to be followed while solving expressions having multiple operations. PEMDAS stands for P- Parentheses, E- Exponents, M- Multiplication, D- Division, A- Addition, and S- Subtraction.
So we gotta do it in the proper order. And remember, if the number is written like
then its multiplication, as if it was written2 x 3
or2 * 3
.So we read
and need to do the following;- Read the Parentheses of
(2 + 2)
and follow the order of operations within them, which gets us 4. - Then we do
which is the same as2 x 4
which is8
8 / 8
The answer is 1. The old calculator is correct, the phone app which has ads backed into it for a thing that all computers were invented to do is inaccurate.
Well that’s just wrong… Multiplication and division have equal priorities so they are done from left to right. So: 8 / 2 * (2 + 2)=8 / 2 * 4=4 * 4=16
Not quite, pemdas can go either from the left or right (as long as you are consistent) and division is the same priority as multiplication because dividing by something is equal to multiplying by the inverse of that thing… same as subtraction being just addition but you flip the sign.
8×1/2=8/2 1-1=1+(-1)
The result is 16 if you rewrite the problem with this in mind: 8÷2(2+2)=8×(1/2)×(2+2)
No, that’s wrong. 2(2+2) is a single term, and thus entirely in the denominator. When you separated the coefficient you flipped the (2+2) into the numerator, hence the wrong answer. You must never add multiplication signs where there are none.
- Read the Parentheses of